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What To Consider When Planning Your Engagement

a smiling couple at their wedding engagement

Deciding to make a commitment to your significant other, to love and grow with them every day, is life-changing. Your wedding engagement should reflect your love and your life together so you can look back on this day and remember exactly why you chose your partner. Here are some tips to consider when planning your wedding proposal to ensure the day is as special and unique as your relationship.

Will Your Proposal Have a Theme? 

When thinking about the theme, consider important dates you have both shared, such as your first date, the first time you knew you were in love with your partner, or the first time you said: “I love you.” You want your significant other to feel special so think of five things to describe your significant other and incorporate those qualities in items or symbols. Also, think of your partner’s two favourite things – these could be anything: astrology, nature, sports, animals, Disney, etc., and try to incorporate them into this special day.

Where to Pop the Question 

Think of favourite places you have both shared and love. Preferably a location where something significant to the both of you has happened. An example could be the beach, a restaurant, a stadium, the mountains, a specific city, etc. 

Choosing an Engagement Ring

Rings are a symbol of commitment to one another and a symbol of eternal love. When picking out a ring, there are a few things you have to know. 

  • What type of ring do they like? The best way to find this out is by observing their day-to-day jewelry or walking by stores to see what catches their eye. 
  • What type of stone do they like? Do they like the traditional diamond ring, or do they like emerald, sapphire or pearl? You could also opt for a classy white gold or more traditional yellow gold band if they have a simpler taste. 

If you really do not trust your own judgement, don’t be scared to ask your partner’s friends and family! They are a great resource to find out this type of information, and if you’re lucky, they might find out exactly what your partner likes. 

Other Considerations for Your Wedding Engagement 

It can be hard to decide whether or not to have an intimate or a social engagement. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a wedding proposal because every couple and every person is different. You know your partner best, but if you are struggling to decide what to do, these are the questions you should be asking yourself:

  • Does my partner like surprises?
  • Are they shy or outgoing?
  • How close are they to our friends and families?
  • Is this milestone in your relationship something you would want to share with others at that moment?

Remember, these are just guidelines; this is ultimately about you and your partner. This next step in your life is a special milestone. Don’t forget that this is as much your partner’s day as it is yours. Don’t forget to also think about how you imagined your wedding engagement when you first found THE ONE!

If you would like to plan an engagement dinner, event or party, You Forever can help! We are event planners in Vancouver, specializing in various events, like weddings, engagement parties, and more. We would love to help you make this moment one you’ll never forget, get in touch with us today!

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